Created by Lawrence Moore and David Smith for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to carry out an exploration of functions defined by data; to learn about data entry and plotting operations. ...
Graph is "an open source application used to draw mathematical graphs in a coordinate system." Anyone who wants to draw graphs of functions will find this program useful. The program makes it very easy to visualize a...
Created by Illuminations: Resources for Teaching Mathematics, this lesson plan uses the Birthday Paradox to introduce basic concepts of probability. Students run a Monte Carlo simulation using the TI-83 graphing...
Teaching algebra can be a difficult proposition, and at times, those who have just entered the field of mathematics education can feel a bit overwhelmed. Stepping in to provide a bit of assistance is this series of...
Developed by Tina Fujita, James Hawker, and John Whitlock of Hillsborough Community College, these five curriculum guides integrate mathematical and biological concepts. These guides can be used in mathematics courses to...
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