This article, created by Alan G. Hawkes of the University College of Swansea, illustrates the difficulty in defining an event you are dealing with and that, even if you can define the event properly, you may encounter ...
This site contains materials for a college level undergraduate statistics course. The approach places emphasis on practical application. Examples are shown with hand computations and with the Minitab statistical program...
This activity explains the important features of a distribution: shape, center, spread, and unusual features. It also covers how to determine the difference between mean and median, and their respective measures of...
The SOCR philosophy has four parts: "1. Tools must be freely available on the Web (SOCR Motto: It’s online, therefore it exists!) 2. Newly developed materials must be useful, extensible, factually correct, validated and...
Created by Mary Richardson of Grand Valley State University, this article describes an activity that illustrates contingency table (two-way table) analysis. Students use contingency tables to analyze the "unusual...
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