Created by Betty Mayfield and John Michel for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to learn the basics of MATLAB 5 for use with the precalculus modules. This is one lesson in a much larger set...
Created by Lewis Blake and David Smith for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purposes of this module are to experiment with matrix operations, espcially multiplication, inversion, and determinants, and to explore...
Working at the University of Nottingham, Dr. Rebecca Taylor and her colleagues have created this very fine set of resources designed to assist teachers who seek to utilize mathematics in the service of teaching...
These two lectures are aimed to give a practical guide to the use of a general device simulator (PROPHET) available on nanoHUB. PROPHET is a partial differential equation (PDE) solver that offers users the flexibility of...
Created by Lang Moore and David Smith for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to gain experience with numerical methods for approximating the solution to first-order initial value problems....
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