This tutorial, created by Thomas W. MacFarland of Nova Southeastern University, explains the theory and use of the Chi-square tests for "Goodness of Fit" and demonstrates it with an example on mastery test scores. Data...
This calculator performs the following for a contingency table up to 5x5: chi-square analysis; Cramer's V; two asymmetrical versions of lambda; the Goodman-Kruskal index of predictive association; other measures relevant...
This glossary, created by M. Tevfik Dorka of the University of Newcastle, gives definitions for numerous statistical terms, concepts, methods, and rules. The list is extremely comprehensive. The author does more than...
For a table of frequency data cross-classified according to two categorical variables, X and Y, each of which has two levels or subcategories, this page will calculate the Phi coefficient of association; perform a...
This page will calculate standard measures for Rates, Risk Ratio, Odds, Odds Ratio, and Log Odds. It will also calculate the Phi coefficient of association; perform a chi-square test of association, if the sample size is...
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