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A=B, by Petkovsek, Wilf, Zeilberger, is a book about identities, especially identities involving binomial sums and hypergeometric identities, and ways to prove them using computer programs. The entire text may be...
Algorithms in the "Real World" is a computer science class at Carnegie Mellon University. While the Course Versions links have information primarily related to each semester's offerings, the rest of the material on this...
This lesson from Illuminations teaches students to use a computer algebra system to determine the square root of 2 to a given number of decimal places. Students will learn how utilizing technology makes an algorithm easy...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has recently updated its online Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures and Problems. The dictionary takes the form of a hypertext alphabetical list of terms dealing...
This free, refereed journal is published between two and three times each year. It focuses on computational methods, algorithms, and applications related to modeling and optimization. The papers are quite diverse in...
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