Based at the University of California at San Diego, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography has created the Explorations site to educate the public about their projects and research. On their website, visitors will find...
This guide instructs educators on the classroom use of transect station data from the Mote Marine Laboratory. This data, from the Phytoplankton Ecology Program, consists of hydrographic conditions (temperature, salinity...
This United States Geological Survey article describes the work currently being done to understand the relation between Pfiesteria and other pathogens to fish and human health in the Chesapeake Bay and other Mid-Atlantic...
This Oceanus article provides an overview of paleoclimate studies by discussing past and current methods for determining paleoclimate. It explains how the geological record has become an important archive for...
This website describes HABHRCA, a legislative Act that authorizes funding for research on harmful algal blooms (HABs) and hypoxia to advance scientific understanding and our ability to detect, assess, predict, control,...
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