This highly detailed chemical information page features domoic acid, a toxin associated with Amnesic shellfish poisoning and naturally produced by the red algae Chondria armata and diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. ...
This National SeaGrant (PDF) publication discusses Red Tide, Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP), Domoic Acid, and Amnesiac Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). It includes a description of symptoms as well as a contact number...
Information on the Chesapeake Bay, the critical issues for its management and restoration, recent dissolved oxygen and SAV trends, and the USGS Ecosystem Response Project. Site includes maps, figures, and links that...
Education and Research: Testing Hypotheses (EARTH) lays new groundwork, providing teachers with means for integrating real-time data with existing educational standards and tested curriculum in an interactive and...
Classrooms and individuals can log on to participate in a real-time field trip to a National Estuary Research Reserve. Ask questions, view live video and still images, and learn about estuaries from experts. Topics range...
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