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In this activity, students will refer to a graph of hydraulic measures of water for the state of Maine to gather and interpret statistics on precipitation, stream flow, depth to groundwater, and others; and examine an...
Capillary Action: In this section of USGS Water Science for School's you will learn how capillary action is important for moving water (and all of the things that are dissolved in it) around. It is defined as the...
The promise of desalination as a panacea to the world's insatiable demand for freshwater has been held out for decades, and engineers and others have set their full intellectual powers to this task. Released in late...
This resource from the United States Geological Survey contains a list of water-related terms that will help you to understand and use the USGS web site. If you are looking for a more detailed water dictionary or...
Ground and Surface Water: Discusses the importance of considering ground water and surface water as a single resource. Includes such topics as the natural processes of ground and surface-water interactions.
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