Ocean Planet is now an archival version of the 1995 Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition which is no longer on display. This website spotlights 32 organisms to demonstrate the incredible diversity found in the...
This web page includes a high school level and higher description of plankton with pictures. The page is full of photographs, each with a descriptive caption. Topics discussed include how plankton are sampled, ecology,...
In this activity, from Hagerstown Community College, focuses on the development of multicellular organisms through the examination of snail eggs over different stages of their growth. Students aren't told what species...
The Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) works "to further the study of development in all organisms and at all levels, to represent and promote communication among students of development, and to promote the field of...
This BBC News article provides general information on microorganisms that have been found 4 miles beneath the sea floor. These organisms are thought to influence climate and global chemical cycles such as the carbon...
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