This free web site provides a collection of 25 multi-disciplinary, interactive exercises and activities based on the Sun and solar science, most geared to grades 4-12 with a few for grades k-3. Included are lesson plans...
This site provides eleven lesson plans for kids from ages five to seventeen that teach about astronomy and the principles underlying astronomical sciences. Provided by the McDonald Observatory at the University of Texas,...
This website provides brief tutorials on spectroscopy, cosmology, galaxies, light pollution, solar system scale, the sun, stellar properties, telescopes, the history of astronomy, and stars. This site also contains a...
This lesson plan, created by Isabel Hawkins and Timothy Keys of the University of California, Berkeley, is meant to familiarize students with different star spectra using NASA's Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer. The...
These pages, authored and curated by David P. Stern, part of "From Stargazers to Starships", explain electromagnetic waves and sunlight. Information includes physiological and spectral color, spectral lines, the...
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