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Activities written by educators with input from scientists, researchers, students, and teachers are provided here to help you and your students investigate light, optics, and color. Each activity has a teacher version...
The first of 6 linked web pages, authored and curated by David P. Stern, on how the inner radiation belt was discovered in 1958 by Van Allen, on the type of instrument used (Geiger counter), on the belt's explanation...
This is a series of web pages on the Earth's Moon. It includes information about the Moon as observed by the eye from Earth, its orbital period, its phases, appearance and the reason it always presents one face, There is...
This site offers new information pertaining to the Big Bang Theory. The new idea that they are proposing is that inflation took place at less than a tiny fraction of a second during which space underwent an enormous...
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP) mission reveals the conditions of the early universe by measuring the comic microwave background radiation in the sky. Using the temperature difference that is measured in a...
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