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This website, containing information from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, provides projects and activities for advanced astronomy students. In this section students find the wavelengths emitted by electron transitions...
Of the 100 billion or more galaxies visible through existing telescopes, most are either spiral or elliptical in shape and about one-fourth are irregular in shape. In addition to their shape, star systems can be further...
This website, created by Aspire, provides an interactive tutorial on the evolution of stars. It integrates activities, graphs, quizzes, and animations to aid student learning. It begins with proto-stars, then provides...
This website provides brief tutorials on spectroscopy, cosmology, galaxies, light pollution, solar system scale, the sun, stellar properties, telescopes, the history of astronomy, and stars. This site also contains a...
This Center, at the University of California, Berkeley, is dedicated to making space science information accessible to educators and public. Internet-based classroom resources for astronomy education in grades K-12 and...
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