This site, created by John Walker of Formilab -- Switzerland, allows users to view the earth and moon, and daylight and night regions, from a wide range of viewpoints. These include from the sun, the moon, the earth, at...
Students experiment with plants, light, heat, and water evaporation. They experiment with solar cells to design a simple solar cooker, create a "solar-powered" method to perform a routine task, or build a parabolic solar...
Earth as Art, by the U.S. Geological Survey, is a gallery of images created by the Landsat-7 and the ASTER satellites. The images are in vivid false color and show remarkable geological features ranging from volcanoes to...
This web page provides milestones of the European Space Agency's first space probe to the moon. The ESA's ion driven SMART-1 probe entered lunar orbit on 2004 Nov 16 after an 80 million kilometer, 13 month journey. ...
This web site from Michael Richmond at the Rochester Institute of Technology contains lecture notes for an introductory course on galaxies and cosmology. It is meant for a non-science audience with a limited background...
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