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The Royal Anthropological Institute in Great Britain and Ireland has collected a multitude of online resources on the topic of anthropology. Of primary interests to educators as well as students, is an online resource...
"Solutions for Your Life" is the tagline for the Florida Cooperative Extension Service, and it's a thoroughly apt description of the services they provide. Administered jointly by the University of Florida and Florida...
Created by Craig Anderson of Iowa State University, this case study addresses the question: "Does the mere presence of a weapon increase the accessibility of aggressive thoughts?" It concerns the following concepts:...
This excellent free CD is entitled The Next Big Wave and is available from the state of Wisconsin's Focus on Energy office. Appropriate for high schools and adults. Call 1-800-762-7077 and request a free copy.
Workforce Online is a Webzine that focuses on human resource issues and concepts. The site includes weekly articles, daily tips, and advice, as well as networking opportunities, polls, and case studies. Free registration...
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