Created by Joshua Holden for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to explore a common application of difference equations and linear algebra in electrical engineering and signal processing. The...
A Java applet for signal sampling at various sampling frequencies, and signal reconstruction from samples using various low-pass filter cutoff frequencies. Select from provided signals, or draw a signal with the mouse....
The Signal Compression Lab (SCL) is a part of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara. "Current research activities at SCL include low bit rate speech coding,...
A program trace (or more succinctly, a trace) is a record of the execution path of a program that has been measured during program execution. If we can measure a trace from a running program, we avoid the need to analyze...
Presented in this series of six articles we will contentrate on high-level programming languages, specifically the C language. High-level languages were once shunned as too inefficient for embedded microcontrollers, but...
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