As the trade association for the UK bioenergy industry, British Biogen's mission is to promote and coordinate the commercial development of biomass as a renewable fuel resource for energy production. British Biogen has...
The national trade association for the U.S. fuel ethanol industry, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) serves as a vital link between the ethanol industry and the federal government, to promote increased production and...
The Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) at the University of California at Berkeley works in a number of topical areas, and one of these areas happens to be research on sustainable transportation strategies and...
The University of Wisconsin consistently ranks among the top university recipients of Department of Energy research funding, and their interdisciplinary work brings together faculty researchers and other scientists from...
This excellent free CD is entitled The Next Big Wave and is available from the state of Wisconsin's Focus on Energy office. Appropriate for high schools and adults. Call 1-800-762-7077 and request a free copy.
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