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(46 resources)
This project is a series of interrelated modules designed to introduce the student to modern biological techniques in the area of bioinformatics. Bioinformatics is the application of computer technology to the management...
The mission of BioOhio is to accelerate bioscience discovery, innovation, and commercialization of global value, driving economic growth and improved quality of life in Ohio. BioOhio, founded in 1987 as Edison...
This site, presented by the North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research, contains over 20 profiles of various bioscience careers, from Animal Behaviorist to Zoologist. Each profile contains information about...
Technologies developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory include: 1) use of nanoprobes based on plasmon-resonance (which is defined) to enhance surface Raman scattering and fluorescence; 2) an optical neurosensor based on...
Biotechnology Education and Training Sequence Investment (BETSI) is a NSF (National Science Foundation)-ATE (Advanced Technological Education) funded project which is designed to educate students from three area high...
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