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(65 resources)
R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display. R is a free software environment and language for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety...
This tutorial, created by Dale Berger of Claremont Graduate University, takes the learner step-by-step in applying descriptive and inferential statistics using a real world situation. The site focuses on the cultural...
Gives textbook-like explanation with some real-life data to compute a t-test and determine if two population means are equal. Also has some links for case studies and a web-based program called Dataplot. There is a...
This site, created by Michelle Lacey of Yale University, gives an explanation, a definition and an example of two-way tables and the chi-square test. Topics include: categorical data analysis for two variables, and...
Created by Intuitor.com, this webpage uses the criminal trials in the US Justice system to illustrate hypothesis testing, type I error, and type II error. An applet allows the user to examine the probability of type I...
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