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(65 resources)
This site, created by Larry Green of Lake Tahoe Community College, explains small sample hypothesis testing for a normal population and hypothesis testing for a population proportion. Includes examples and exercises....
This site, created by the Department of Statistics at Yale University, gives an explanation, a definition and an example of inference for categorical data. Topics include confidence intervals and significance tests for...
Published by MIT and created by Professor Dmitry Panchenko for the Spring semester of 2005, this online course provides an introduction to probability and statistics for undergraduate students. The topics included are...
This goal of this resource is to aid in the understanding of the relationship between statistics and the scientific method and how it applies to psychology and the behavioral sciences. The learner will learn how to read...
Created by Harvey Motulsky for GraphPad Software, this page provides a table for selecting an appropriate statistical method based on type of data and what information is desired from the data. It also compares...
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