Created by faculty at Grand Valley State University, this article describes an interactive activity illustrating sampling distributions for means, properties of confidence intervals, properties of hypothesis testing,...
In these activities designed to introduce sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem, students generate several small samples and note patterns in the distributions of the means and proportions that they...
This group activity focuses on conducting an experiment to determine which of two brands of paper towels are more absorbent by measuring the amount of water absorbed. A two-sample t-test can be used to analyze the data,...
This tutorial, created by Harvey Berman of Stat Trek, provides a basic introduction to many topics in statistics and probability. Topics include: sets and subsets, statistical experiments, counting, basic probability...
This website, created by Paul Trunfio and Gary McGath of Boston University's Center for Polymer Studies, provides the description and instructions for the the Anthill and Molecular Motion Java applet. Some of the topics...
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