This page, created by Richard Lowry of Vassar College, will generate a graphic and numerical display of the properties of a binomial sampling distribution, for any values of p and q, and for values of n between 1 and 40,...
This page, created by Richard Lowry of Vassar College, generates a graph of the sampling distribution of r, the Pearson correlation coefficient. Upon opening, the applet prompts for sample size greater than 6. The...
This applet generates a graph of the sampling distribution of sample means and displays the probabilities associated with that distribution. Users enter the mean and standard deviation of the source population and the...
This applet simulates and plots the sampling distribution of various statistics (i.e. mean, standard deviation, variance). The applet allows the user to specify the population distribution, sample size, and statistic. An...
This one page article, created by Statistics Canada, describes the meaning behind random sampling error. It points our the relationship of the random sampling error with the sample size, population size, variability of...
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