Using a parameter it's possible to represent a property of an entire population with a single number instead of millions of individual data points. There are a number of possible parameters to choose from such as the...
This article, created by Bryan Wilson, provides the example of student form orders to demonstrate the unreliability of combining data from two different distributions (or subjects). The author provides charts, graphs and...
A unit in 3 sections: 1) Data - generates sets of data from classroom attendance, grades, and temperature and develops a routine to take a set of data and see how the values center by finding the mean, median, and mode...
Eight lessons of activity-based inferential statistics. Each lesson centers on an experimental question - e.g. What percent of the population is taller than 5'7"? Appropriate sample techniques are tried, and results...
Graphing Current Drug Data gives (1) some current views on the drug issue, (2) a history of drug use, (3) specific data on alcohol, caffeine, cocaine, marijuana and nicotine, and (4) data on high school drug trends from...
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