This lab manual developed by Whatcom Community College provides activities for a high school cybersecurity camp. The 101-page manual contains instructions for nine labs arranged into five sessions. Lab activities...
This page explains the purpose of a cybersecurity camp developed by Whatcom Community College. The purpose of the camp is to increase awareness and interest in information security among high school students. ...
This introduction developed by Whatcom Community College explains how a competition at the end of a high school cybersecurity camp worked. The goal for the attending students was to "apply the knowledge they have gained...
These resources from the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies provide tools for educators who are looking for ways to integrate cybersecurity into their lesson plans and classroom activities. Readers...
Based at the University of Rhode Island, the Digital Forensics and Cyber Security Center (DFCSC) "supports state, national, and international public welfare through education, research, training, and service in forensic...
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