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(23 resources)
Jan Smith developed this website (available in both English and Spanish) to provide lessons in computer basics for use at home or in the classroom. The Computer Basics section explains "a lot of the techno-babble that...
Math Player is a browser plug-in that supports MathML, an XML-based language used to encode mathematical symbols and equations for displaying on the Web. Developed by Design Science, the software can be downloaded for...
In this resource provided by DeafTEC, the PacerSpacer resource is described in detail and recommended to instructors with deaf and hard of hearing students in their classrooms. The purpose of the software is to allow...
With Stellarium, anyone with a computer can view the nighttime sky in three dimensions without stepping outside. Users can view the sky from any location on Earth as well as any time or date, and they can rotate the...
The open source software movement has been gaining momentum over the past few years, as was affirmed by a fairly major announcement from the local government of Munich, Germany in May 2003. The Web site is especially...
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