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Addresses, essays, lectures (2)
Biography (1)
Communication of computer science information (11)
Computer science as a profession. Vocational guidance (11)
Computer software (120)
Dictionaries and encyclopedias (5)
Digital computers (78)
General works, treatises, and textbooks (4)
History (2)
Molecular computers. DNA computers (1)
Neural computers. Neural networks (1)
Other topics, A-Z (161)
Pen-based computers (1)
Periodicals, societies, congresses, serial publications (7)
Quantum computers (2)
Special computers, computer systems, and microprocessors. By name, A-Z (3)
Study and teaching. Research (98)
Supercomputers. High performance computing (1)



This article from J. McGrath Cohoon of the University of Virginia "recommends methods for increasing female participation in undergraduate computer science." A number of specific recommendations are made, including...
This Honors colloquium introduces first-year students to some of the science behind high technology. Designed to promote scientific and computer literacy and awareness, it gives students an opportunity to leverage their...
At the DevX Source Code Library and the newer Sourcebank, users can download source code, algorithms, and sample applications. The Library is culled from DevX services and magazines, and resources are grouped into...
Because embedded systems must perform functions in real time, we often need to know how fast a program runs. The techniques we use to analyze program execution time are also helpful in analyzing properties such as power...
Power consumption is a particularly important design metric for battery-powered systems because the battery has a very limited lifetime. However, power consumption is increasingly important in systems that run off the...
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