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This commercial website, developed by GCSE Answers Ltd., offers short tutorials on various topics in mathematics, such as algebra, trigonometry, and measurement. The tutorials include a short overview of the topic...
This learning community, created by Juan Morata and Miguel Montanez, integrates biology and algebra through joint group projects, joint case studies, and class examples and exercises. Through the integrated approach,...
GeoGebra is a free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. As an interactive geometry system, GeoGebra can help you do constructions with points, vectors,...
How does math get used in the "real world?" The short answer is that it is used to create hip-hop music, in fashion design, and through a number of other endeavors. This interactive website combines video and web...
This lesson from Illuminations teaches students the features of sine and cosine graphs. Students use uncooked spaghetti to demonstrate the properties of the unit circle, which they will then represent with graphs. It is...
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