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This is the fourth topic in the series of lessons on math provided by DeafTEC. Gary Blatto-Vallee, a math and science instructor at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, guides viewers through a variety of...
This essay, from J.J. O'Connor and E.F. Robertson of the University of St. Andrews describes Fermat's theorem with links to mathematicians such as Sophie Germain, Legendre, Dirichlet, Shimura and Taniyama, etc., from its...
This learning object from Wisc-Online covers the fundamental laws of algebra. The interactive activity includes slides which cover the following topics: the commutative, associative and distributive laws as applied to...
Commonly used by plant community ecologists, Fuzzy Set Ordination (FSO) is a technique for "find[ing] associations between site factors and species distributions." Richard Boyce, Assistant Professor of Biological...
This is an introduction to Gaussian primes, complex numbers with integers for real and imaginary parts that are divisible by themselves and 1, but no other complex numbers with integer coefficients. This shows...
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