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Developed by Dr. Abdelkader Dendane, a lecturer at the United Arab Emirates University, the Analyze Math website is designed to provide curious minds with access to in-depth tutorials on such topics as logarithmic...
This wide-ranging and informative online course from Annenberg Learner can be a powerful resource for both high school and K-8 teachers. The site features 10 two-and-a-half hour sessions on a range of related topics,...
This is a comprehensive bibliography on axiomatic set theories which have a universal set. (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, the most widely studied set theory, does not have a universal set.) This field presently includes...
This lesson from Illuminations asks students to look at different classes of polynomial functions by exploring the graphs of the functions. Students should already have a grasp of linear functions, quadratic functions,...
A problem (with solution) sent by Prof. W. McWorter's: Byzantine Basketball is like regular basketball except that foul shots are worth a points instead of two points and field shots are worth b points instead of three...
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