Contains wide range of information on geological topics, focusing on the state of Indiana. Includes visual dictionary, access to interactive and static maps, and geospatial data downloading. Along with the extensive...
Conveying the dynamism of various geologic processes can be hard in the classroom or on the web, but this interactive feature from the Annenberg Media's Learner.org site does quite a fine job of introducing students to...
A great deal can be learned by observing a sand box, and this delightful instructional resource offers ample proof. This resource was developed by Betsy D. Torrez of Sam Houston State University and it is designed to...
This resource from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur provides an outline of constant head and falling head permeability tests of soil. This is a great resource for anyone studying geology and soil science.
This collection provides a wide array of visual resources and supporting material about plate tectonic movements. Visualizations include simple animations, GIS-based animated maps, paleogeographic maps and globes, and...
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