Until recently, people living in a volcano's shadow had little help in predicting eruptions. In the past 300 years, volcanic eruptions, most of them unexpected, have killed more than 250,000 people. In 2000, experts...
This unit introduces students to the development of the theory of continental drift. They will examine the early work of Alfred Wegener and Alexander DuToit, investigate lines of evidence that resulted in the development...
Guidelines for evaluating liquefaction hazards in Nevada and when to perform analysis. Contains information on screening investigations for liquefaction potential, information on how to evaluate liquefaction potential...
The site, presented by About.com, categorizes and lists a plethora of different rocks. They have divided them by their rock structure: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Under each category are a list of different...
This article briefly describes the in-situ shear vane test, including images and typical results. This procedure tests the undrained shear strength of soil. Procedures of the test are not outlined, but a general overview...
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