The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine's Department of Pathology has compiled a series of case studies to help both students and instructors. In this particular study a 27-year-old white male has an...
This is a genitourinary pathology case study presented by the University of Pittsburgh Department of Pathology in which a 42-year-old male has hip pain and an elevated PSA. Visitors are given both the microscopic and...
This is a skeletal muscle pathology case study presented by the University of Pittsburgh Department of Pathology in which a 48 year old women has chronic myalgias. Visitors are given both the microscopic and gross...
This is a clinical microbiology case study presented by the University of Pittsburgh Department of Pathology in which a 22 year old male is experiencing postoperative abdominal discomfort. Visitors are given both the...
This is a neuropathology case study presented by the University of Pittsburgh Department of Pathology in which a 43 year old male has radicular pain. Visitors are given both the microscopic and gross descriptions,...
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