(7 classifications)
(105 resources)
This is a national teacher enhancement program in physical oceanography. Project introduces teachers to physical oceanography topics, develops a team of master teachers who can incorporate physical oceanography into...
This resource describes a student survey on ocean literacy devised and conducted by a Professor of Oceanography at North Carolina State University. Topics include the definition of ocean literacy, seven essential...
This collaboration of over 20 institutions and agencies monitors target species of intertidal plants and animals at nearly 60 Southern California shore sites. Site provides species images and profiles, sampling methods,...
The NASA Oceanography site contains information on missions, projects and partners; links to a remote sensing site with lesson plans, an El Nino primer site, and other educational resources of space missions; links to...
Award information and nomination form for NMEA awards: Outstanding Teacher Award, James Centorino Award (non-traditional educator award), Marine Education Award, and Honorary Member Award. Nominations are due May 1.
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