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(105 resources)
HBOI summer internships with stipend are open to graduate students and undergrads with minimum 2 years of class work completed. The ten-week program pairs student with a mentor to conduct research project. Areas of study...
This webpage serves as a portal to the CDC's collection of harmful algal bloom (HAB) resources for the general public. Visitors can find general information about HABs, as well as focus areas targeting Cyanobacteria,...
This website provides information about and access to the 2005 National Plan for Algal Toxins and Harmful Algal Blooms, HARRNESS, Harmful Algal Research and Response National Environmental Science Strategy 2005-2015. ...
This web page is a portal with around 80 links to universities, zoos, aquariums, organizations, private parks, and research institutions. The purpose is to provide advice for those interested in a career in the marine or...
This site is a collaboration of US and Canadian research institutions; it proposes an ocean observatory in the NE Pacific. A network of fiber optic cables on the Juan de Fuca plate will support sensors to monitor...
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