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In this activity, by the Lane Community College MAPS GIS Program, students work in teams to evaluate Oregon cities’ tsunami evacuation plans related to a potential 8.1 coastal earthquake. Teams use additional information...
This portal provides access to maps, data, and other information on the distribution and frequency of natural hazards in the United States. The material is arranged into seven categories: earthquakes, floods, hurricanes,...
The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), provides a series of data sets and slides related to natural disasters. These include: earthquake, tsunami, volcano and wildfire data sets. The web page also includes a link...
The SAGUARO project CD-ROM features three learning modules that use GIS to learn about earth system science. The three modules - Exploring Tropical Cyclones, Exploring the Dynamic Earth, and Exploring Water Resources -...
Since the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004, scientists have tried to retrace the path of the giant waves to learn how and why the water moved in unexpected directions, even turning corners and producing...
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