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(83 resources)
The PALEOMAP Project illustrates the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years. The reconstruction of...
The Pennsylvania State University offers B.S., B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Geography. The faculty encourage students to arrange courses of study appropriate to their individual needs and aspirations. Programs in...
MIT continues to amaze and delight educators and the general public with fantastic OpenCourseWare (OCW) offerings. This course, taught by Professor Thomas Herring in spring semester of 2012, allows interested individuals...
As you prepare to begin your career as a geoscience faculty member, you're probably wondering how to land a job you'll enjoy, as well as what you can do now to lay the groundwork for a successful career in academia. This...
This is an archived webinar recording of GeoTech network administration technicians at Gainesville State College (Georgia), Jefferson College (Kentucky), and Del Mar College (Texas) describing their three implementations...
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