(2 classifications)
(18 resources)
This presentation from Sheryl A. Sorby of Michigan Technological University discusses gender differences in spatial reasoning skills, and the effects of these differences on success and retention in engineering programs....
This report from Sheila Tobias discusses pertinent issues related to women in mathematics and science. Key aspects explored include mathematical anxiety and strategies for coping with it, as well as important research on...
This research paper, presented at the 2002 Physics Education Research Conference, examines how a math background may interact with gender on the FCI assessment instrument. 300 non-physics students were given one of two...
Funded by the National Science Foundation, Great Science for Girls has seven programs operated by intermediary organizations to provide informal opportunities for elementary to high school grade girls to explore science....
IWITTS.com provides the tools to successfully integrate women into male-dominated careers via our workshops, publications, products, e-strategies, and technical assistance. IWITTS offers a full range of education...
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