Teachers looking for materials to help out in the classroom will find this well-organized site most useful. Created by the folks at Geology.com, the site's materials were compiled by Christy Pratt, and they are organized...
Each year, Earth Science Week focuses on a different facet of earth science to help people gain a better understanding and appreciation of the natural world. This website contains information about ways for classrooms to...
EarthComm (Earth System Science in the Community) is an Earth science curriculum designed for use by all students in U.S. high schools. This website contains resources for teachers, students, and parents, as well as...
This is an e-book of before-and-after Landsat images (1972-present), showing recent environmental events and introducing the concept of remote sensing. Some changes are due to natural causes and some are due to human...
Ecotourism company that provides learning expeditions that focus on the culture and natural ecology of Costa Rica for teachers and their students (with 10 students, teachers go free), or teacher-only study tours for...
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