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(35 resources)
This learning module on wetland functions and values is the newest addition to the EPA's Watershed Academy Website. The module explores the ecological and societal benefits and values that wetlands provide, such as "fish...
This Friday Harbor, WA, facility promotes stewardship of whales and the Salish Sea ecosystem through research and education. Gallery of Whales contains exhibits, art, models and artifacts highlighting whales of the Puget...
Oxford University has a very important website dedicated to its Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), that hopes to solve the "conflict between peoples' futures and wildlife conservation." There are several...
Cooperation among industry and conservation groups can be rare indeed, and when the Wildlife Habitat Council was formed in 1988, it was certainly an unusual arrangement. Over the past several decades, the Council has...
A comprehensive website concerning wildlife issues all over the planet. Available in over a dozen languages, site features an abundance of information including habitat conservation science, endangered species, exotic...
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