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Title: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Homepage
Url: https://www.nedo.go.jp/english/index.html
Publisher: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (Japan)
Description: The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization coordinates the funds, personnel, and technological strengths of both the public and private sectors in Japan. NEDO's activities include the development and promotion of new energy and energy conservation technologies, management of industrial technology research and development projects, restructuring of Japan's domestic coal mining industry, production of industrial alcohol, and restoration of damaged coal mining areas. In addition, NEDO promotes international cooperation involving joint R&D and information exchange.
LC Classification: Social sciences -- Industries. Land use. Labor -- Industries. Land use. Labor -- Management. Industrial management -- Management of special enterprises -- High technology industries
Social sciences -- Industries. Land use. Labor -- Industries. Land use. Labor -- Management. Industrial management -- Theory. Method. Relation to other subjects -- Electronic data processing. Information technology
Technology -- Mechanical engineering and machinery -- Energy conservation
Technology -- Mechanical engineering and machinery -- Renewable energy sources -- Research
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Engineering
Vocational Education
Vocational Education -- Business
Health -- Environmental health
Resource Type: Reference Material
Format: Document -- PDF
Document -- HTML
Audience: Administrator
Education Level: Higher Education
Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Rights: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
Access Rights: Free access
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Source Type: ATE Center
Source: eERL
Full Record Views: 7
Resource URL Clicks: 16
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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