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This case study looks at an animal model in the study of Alzheimer's disease. Students will identify which components of the scientific method are used in the case. The lesson may be used in a variety of science courses,...
This radio broadcast features an interview with George O'Meara, the world's foremost expert on mosquitoes, who studies mosquito biology and dispenses fun facts (such as: only female mosquitoes bite). There are...
Dedicated to whale conservation, this site offers an abundance of information on whale watching expeditions, adoption programs, selected articles from their newsletter, and fact sheets on a number of marine mammals....
This site includes information on the anatomy and life history of the American or Atlantic oyster, Crassostrea virginica, also known in the Chesapeake Bay region as the native oyster. Access information on the oyster's...
This case study looks at how the scientific process really works, particularly in respect to evolutionary biology. Using the example of the discovery of the platypus, the lesson ties in easily with biology or zoology...
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