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This web site contains a large collection of animations illustrating basic concepts of electricity and magnetism. It covers topics such as electric fields, flux, gauss's law, conduction, magnetic force, etc. Animations...
These web pages, authored and curated by David Stern, provide an introduction to the aurora and the physical mechanisms that cause it. They include details about auroral imaging, particularly from satellites, and the...
This lesson plan from the Beacon Learning Center educates students on the topic of demonstrating and calculating electrostatic forces. The lesson focuses on how electrostatic forces exist between charged objects. Florida...
First of several linked files, telling the early history of the compass (discovered in China) and how Robert Norman in 1581 showed the magnetic force was not horizontal but slanted downwards, followed by William...
Developed as a part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology TEAL/Studio Physics Project, the Physics 8.02 Web site contains visualizations, course notes, and resources for MIT's Electricity and Magnetism course. ...
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