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Students will examine the decision to place all Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast into internment camps during WWII. This lesson is part of a mini-unit on Japanese Internment that will include readings in...
This report, part of a series that analyzes population and housing data collected from the census of 2000, highlights population size and distribution changes between 1990 and 2000 in regions, states, counties, and large...
This lesson reinforces the idea that Earth's population, including the population of the United States, is growing at a dramatic rate. It discusses some of the basics of demography, the study of population and its...
This lesson discusses population growth, both in the United States and in the world. Topics include factors that influence population growth, such as government policy, religion, education or economic levels, energy use...
This website provides a near real-time tool for collecting, managing and sharing marine life satellite tracking data. It contains data from over 30 projects in the US, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Indo-Pacific, and...
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