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(45 resources)


Many people may wonder what happens in the vast stretches of the world's oceans. For some, it is simply a matter of "out of sight, out of mind". Fortunately that is not the attitude at the National Center for Ecological...
This comprehensive site is an introduction to sea ice: what it is, how it forms, how it is studied, how it affected historical expedition in the polar regions, and what role it plays in the global climate. The site...
This Ocean Explorer lesson plan (PDF) explores the questions: What colors, if any, are visible down in the deep sea? What is bioluminescence? Students will learn about white light (visible light), the quantity and...
An all inclusive introduction to the ocean sciences. The site includes information on habitats, oceanic fauna, oceanographer's tools, and case studies that forecast the future of the ocean. Components of physical and...
Canada's fisheries and economics data include reports on aquaculture, on Canadian landings and consumption of ocean and freshwater species, plus vessel, species licensing and quota reports for marine fisheries...
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