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This radio broadcast describes efforts to control the population of sea lampreys in the Great Lakes. Sea lampreys, an invasive species from the Atlantic Ocean, have populated the lakes for years, but have recently...
Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the GLFC coordinates fisheries research, controls the invasive sea lamprey, and facilitates cooperative fishery management among the state, provincial, tribal, and federal management...
The Maritimes magazine, a publication of University of Rhode Island Marine Program, ceased publication after winter 2000. But these online issues, 1994-2000, contain valuable references and provide a historical record of...
This online resource center, maintained by U.S.G.S., provides information, data and links about exotic plants, invertebrates, vertebrates, diseases and parasites. Central repository contains accurate and spatially...
This radio broadcast describes a technique called 'salinity shock' which is being used to kill plants and animals that ride in ballast water on ships. Oceangoing ships are now dumping their freshwater ballast at sea and...
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