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These web pages, authored and curated by David P. Stern, provide an explanation of forces in accelerating reference frames. Topics include centrifugal force and what is felt in vehicles that are speeding up or slowing...
This website from David M. Harrison of the University of Toronto's physics department provides an animation of the addition of two vectors. Instructors may use this animation in explaining the concept of adding vectors...
This online exercise lets students practice vector addition. They choose the precision of the test by selecting a target size, then estimate the sum of the two vectors by dragging and dropping a third arrow. Points are...
This site, from UCLA's Department of Physics, contains web and in-class demonstrations of physics concepts in the topic areas of mechanics, harmonic motion and waves, electricity and magnetism, acoustics, optics, matter...
This page is interactive resource allowing the teacher to choose among topics related to vector operations. The subjects are organized in flow charts that make it easy to move from one topic to a related item. Vector...
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