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This activity provides a demonstration of Bernoulli’s principle as a floating card or a paper plate responds to the low pressure created by moving air. A small and a large-scale version of the activity are available...
This National Aeronautics and Space Administration website has QuickTime videos that compare boiling water on Earth and in space. A photo shows the bubble that forms in space once some of the water is boiled. Text...
Georgia State University presents an explanation and illustration of buoyancy including Pascal's and Archimede's principles. The site contains helpful diagrams to better explain the concepts addressed. Overall, the site...
At this Science at National Aeronautics and Space Administration site, you'll learn about the physics of sand movement and the research done to understand mechanisms of dune migration. The physics and the landforms are...
Simply in design, Karlene Kurth of Walther Lutheran High School has created this page describes a lab exercise demonstrating Bernoulli's principle by building detailed model gliders. The lesson is structured in this...
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