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(59 classifications) (56 resources)

Key Concept Classifications
Acids (2)
Atomic particles (11)
Atomic properties (37)
Bases (4)
Biochemistry (28)
Bioinorganic chemistry (1)
Boiling point (3)
Bonding (2)
Catalysts (3)
Chemical equations (1)
Chemical properties (31)
Chemical reactions (30)
Compounds (5)
Covalent bonding (1)
Crystals and crystallography (16)
Electrochemistry (11)
Electrons (17)
Elements (22)
Equilibrium (1)
Gas laws (3)
Gases (16)
Heat (1)
Hydrogen bonding (2)
Ionization (3)
Ions (4)
Isotopes (7)
Liquids (5)
Matter (6)
Melting point (1)
Metalloids (1)
Metals (8)
Molecular structures (33)
Molecules (50)
Neutrons (1)
Nonmetals (1)
Organic chemistry (18)
Oxidation (9)
Periodic table of elements (15)
pH scale (3)
Physical properties (8)
Polarity (1)
Polymers (12)
Pressure (2)
Protons (6)
Qualitative analysis (34)
Quantitative analysis (29)
Redox reactions (3)
Reduction (2)
Scientific method (4)
Scientific notation (1)
Solids (1)
Solubility (1)
Solutions (4)
States of matter (1)
Stoichiometry (2)
Thermodynamics (6)
Titrations (4)
Vapor pressure (2)
Water (22)



Academic Earth provides videos of lectures by top scholars in "Subjects" that range from Astronomy to Entrepreneurship to Religion, from "Universities" as celebrated as MIT, Berkeley, Harvard, and Stanford. Visitors...
The American Association for the Advancement of Science is a nonprofit professional society dedicated to the advancement of scientific and technological excellence across all disciplines, and to the public's...
The chemistry education resources that the American Chemical Society has placed on its website are quite impressive, and are a must see for teachers, motivated students, and even parents. Visitors will find "Classroom...
Elementary school science teachers may want to check out Inquiry in Action, a free resource provided by the American Chemical Society. Here, readers will find a collection of fully developed lesson plans on...
The American Chemistry Society (ACS) has pulled together some valuable resources for high school chemistry teachers, Classroom Teaching Resources to Education Standards to Professional Development. Educators will find...
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