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This comprehensive site is an introduction to sea ice: what it is, how it forms, how it is studied, how it affected historical expedition in the polar regions, and what role it plays in the global climate. The site...
This radio broadcast discusses how scientists' views of global warming have changed since the subject first emerged some 20 years ago. Topics include the nature of the warming process, once thought to be a gradual...
This video segment, adapted from a NOVA broadcast, shows how the members of an Antarctic research team cope with the inhospitable climate and other environmental hazards during their stay. The segment is five minutes...
There are two ways to reduce net emissions of carbon dioxide: limit how much carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere as we burn fossil fuels, or increase the rate at which it is absorbed. In this lesson, discussion...
Hosted by Boston University, this website presents Geography Professor Ranga B. Myneni's Climate and Vegetation Research Group. The website links to publications about various research projects in the areas of Climate...
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