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This article, by Henry Gee, Rory Howlett, and Philip Campbell is a "resource from Nature for those wishing to spread awareness of evidence for evolution by natural selection." In it, the authors offer "a succinct...
This case study will introduce students to the important concepts of scientific discovery and inquiry through the example of a living coelacanth, a fish which was believed to be extinct for over 70 million years. It...
This case study looks at how the scientific process really works, particularly in respect to evolutionary biology. Using the example of the discovery of the platypus, the lesson ties in easily with biology or zoology...
This BBC Web site comes loaded with interactive multimedia features on evolution and the animal kingdom. Users can view 3-D images as well as video and audio clips of prehistoric creatures, play an interactive evolution...
The interactive documentary from the Institute of Human Origins is a great resource for those with the Flash plug-in and a high speed connection. The site is divided into five parts: a Prologue, Evidence, Anatomy,...
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