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(2 classifications) (14 resources)

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Density and specific gravity (26)
Measurement (3)



This book, available on the Google Books website, discusses the history of the concept of mass and its properties. Beginning with its humble foundations, it guides you through the philosophy, conceptualization, and...
This site, from UCLA's Department of Physics, contains web and in-class demonstrations of physics concepts in the topic areas of mechanics, harmonic motion and waves, electricity and magnetism, acoustics, optics, matter...
Created by David P. Stern this is the first of three linked web pages. The one listed introduces the concept of mass and the question of how it may be measured without recourse to gravity, e.g. in the weightless...
This two-part activity provides an introduction to the basics of measurement (linear, mass, volume, density) and discusses the role of inferential statistics in comparing any two measurements. The concept of random...
This webpage contains a simulation that allows the user to fire various objects out of a cannon. By manipulating angle, initial speed, mass, and air resistance, concepts of projectile motion are illustrated. This page...
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